story time
EPIC - Every Person Influences Children is hosting “Story Time” at Veterans Memorial Park on Thursday’s at 10:30am 

We are having our very first family engagement Storytime in War Vets Park, best for families with children ages 8 years old or younger. We will have guest readers from the community, local heroes and community members read a story, we will also have Movement or STEM activity as well as Art for the little ones! Registration is required to assist us with the number of expected attendees.

Each Thursday is a theme, our first event will be held on Thursday July 21st, our theme will be “Honoring Seneca Culture” with guest reader Michala Redeye and movement with a guest from the ACC! 

Free educational fun for the family! For more information, please contact me via email or phone 716-289-3490.



Date: Thursday July 21st  Time: 10:30-11:30am Theme: Honoring Seneca Culture Book: Giving Thanks by Chief Jake Swamp

Date: Thursday July 28th Time: 10:30-11:30am  Theme: Celebrating Salamanca Railway History  Book: Curious George Takes the Train by Marget Rey 


Date: Thursday August 4th Time: 10:30-11:30am Theme: Being a Hero! Book: Super Manny Stands Up by Stephanie Graegin


DateThursday August 11th Time: 10:30-11:30am  Theme: Back to School Success Book: The Schools First Day of School by Adam Rex

#StoryTimeInThePark #EPIC