Salamanca High School
Extra Curricular Activities
Commencement Ceremonies
Parents should speak with the individual staff member involved. If the concern is not resolved, parents should next contact the staff member’s supervisor. Subsequently, the matter may be referred to the principal. Finally, the matter may be appealed to the Superintendent and then to the Board of Education.
The Board recognizes the vital role of parents/guardians in the welfare and education of their children and the pivotal part they play in shaping character and values. Parents/guardians are responsible for their child’s punctuality, attendance, cleanliness, and propriety of dress. Parents/ guardians are requested to keep the school apprised of changes in factors in the home situation, which may affect pupil conduct or performance. The legal custodian of each pupil is responsible for informing the school of any change in the pupil’s custody.
Parents are to notify the school via telephone or parent note when an absence occurs. When a student is ill or for some other reason is not able to attend school, a parent or guardian is expected to notify the attendance clerk by telephone (945-2404 ext. 6301) between 7:35 and 10 a.m.